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Every student graduates ready to live, learn, and thrive in a global community

School Counseling Department

The Bear Creek School Counseling Department strives to offer a comprehensive developmental program of school counseling to all students in grades 3 through 5. The program is comprehensive in scope, preventative in design and developmental in nature. The primary goal of the program is to assist students in avoiding and/or breaking down barriers to learning. Some major components of the comprehensive school counseling program include:

  • Developmental guidance lessons in all classrooms
  • Small support groups throughout the year
  • Contact and consultation with outside agencies
  • SAP participation
  • Consultation with teachers
  • Consultation with parents
  • Individual “brief” counseling for students in need.

During the practice of distance learning, as a response to the recent Coronavirus outbreak, School Counselors are unable to provide direct counseling for students.

Please follow the link below for a list of Community Counseling Resources to help meet your needs for direct counseling services. Counselors will intermittently post additional resources and activities for students and families on either Schoology or on this website to help you cope and manage during this unprecedented time. 

 Students are encouraged to explore and add to their Xello Career Exploration Profiles

  • Students can log in in quickly using Clever and clicking on the Xello icon.